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Office Address:

Rural Water District 6
7828 242nd Rd

Arkansas City, KS 67005
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 8am to 12noon
Emergency number
: 620-660-3938

Payment Drop Box:

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8-12


Note: When possible, we send out text notification if water will be shut off due to maintenance. If you would like to reecive these notifications, please make sure we have your cell phone number on file by texting the water district at 620-660-2623 with your name. 

Download the "Eye on Water" app and monitor your usage! See below for more details.

to view your account balance and make a payment

New Meters

We have finished installing our new meter system. These meters are automatic read meters - meaning you no longer have to read it! We will now be sending out monthly bills.                           to see the letter that was mailed out at the beginning of the transition for additional information. 


The meters themselves will show 4 different screens: (to switch between screens, flip the lid down and back up)

Eye on Water

Download the Eye on Water app on your smartphone to monitor your water usage, get notifications when you have a potentional leak, and more! 

You can also visit to create an account on the computer. 


*If you have received a notification that you may have a leak in your system, please take some time to check for a leak. You can make sure all water is turned off in your house and then go check the "current flow" on the meter itself to see if water is still running through the meter (see the above pictures for information on the meter screens). Also, make an "Eye on Water" account to check and see how much water is being lost. You can look at your hourly usage during the night hours to get an idea. A small leak of less than 10 gallons per hour is nothing to panic about, but it still needs to be addressed because that water adds up over time. Things to check: leaking hydrants, running toilets, automatic waterers, etc. 

2023 Board of Directors: Ken Bryant, Rod Hover, Bill Mueller, Jorge Lozano, Ted Goertzen, Marvin Duncan

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